Truth or Fight™

We'll not be fictionalized out of existence™

Below, you'll find all sorts of ammunition for my two (maybe just one) lawsuits. I said years ago, "slander me, and I'll tell the truth about you..." People do not appreciate slander/libel in the civilized world, even though the lawsuits have little, if anything, to do with these matters

Here is a copy of the injunction I filed earlier today (February, 2024). Read the injunction, before you judge me. Notice, there is no mention of harassment in the entire thing...

Do your own forensics on THIS DOCUMENT and confirm that it was in fact signed on my Wacom "Bamboo Fun" tablet...

It has come to my attention that Mark Zuckerberg wonders why I won't join facebook (download); stream below:

The Fifth Amendment has other aspects about it, which are not as often discussed:

Don't get mad at me. Nobody was supposed to get in trouble. Encourage Mark Zuckerberg to settle out of court. He's the one who roped you all into all of this.

Facebook is a cult, albeit a very large cult, and I am going to sue them:

OK, now that Google and Apple have flipped on Marky Marky, I'll lay off of them, but I have this to say about Facebook:

Don't mess with a man's vehicle (download), or stream below:

I'm going to need another lawyer with some balls:

Don't let Facebook interrogate you. You are not the defendent in my lawsuit. Please DOWNLOAD AND WATCH THIS or stream below:

People need to relax. I'm not suing you, and odds are, you will never get a subpoena for my lawsuit. Download here, or stream below:

People have cash...

Litigation attorneys are chicken shits... Prove me wrong...

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Nobody likes stalker/communist/identity-thief personality types, so I thought I'd meme the hell out of them...

This lawsuit is going into overtime... The golden power corrupts everything! Oh, no!

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I don't have, nor will I ever have, a Facebook, Instagram, or Whatsapp account.

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In case you haven't noticed, this lawsuit has been going on for a very long time...

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Oh no, little dog... Was it the Intuit CEO? Were Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg involved?

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There was no due process... Hiring an actor to fake news me in a federal courtroom when I have an ironclad alibi from Barcelona, Spain, does not qualify as due process to revoke my seventh amendment rights. Nobody cares about your gay "Big Bang Theory" TV show or your obfuscation of names in the court report...

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Check the home page for all of the facts about the case(s)

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Lawsuits Exist for a Reason-- to Keep These Corporations in Check... view below or download here

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If these stalling tactics continue, I will seek additional punitive damages.

Here's the invoice I mailed to Facebook's legal department on July 1st, 2023.

Here's the Cease and Desist Letter from September.

The federal government's role in interstate trade/commerce disputes-- download here or watch below:

You can only talk so much sense into people, before you sit back and wait for them to be done screwing the whole planet up, so you can get back to suing them.

Prove me wrong:

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I'm super easy to pay. Here's an instruction manual on how to pay me the money you owe me.

What? Did he just throw the kitchen sink at them?

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© Truth or Fight™, January 2023

An independent non-profit organization...

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